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A50Light Duty Vehicle Fleet Electrification Plan


On time
  • Not started
  • Feasibility
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Lead paragraph

The Regional Fleet makes up 14 percent of overall corporate emissions, but more than half of energy-related emissions. With transportation also representing the largest share of community-wide emissions, action by the Region to reduce its fleet-related greenhouse gas emissions can serve as a leadership example for other public and private sector organizations to follow.


The Light Duty Vehicle Fleet Electrification Plan focuses on the electrification of Durham's four fleet groups; Region of Durham Paramedic Services (Paramedics), Durham Region Police Services (Police), Durham Region Transit (Transit or DRT), and Works, focusing only on Light Duty vehicles (Sedans, Minivans, SUVs, Pickup trucks, and Compact cargo vans). The Plan includes consideration of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) but does not include consideration of hybrid-electric vehicles (i.e., ones that do not plug-in to charge) nor hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, for which the market availability of vehicles is small within the timeframe of the Plan. The timelines for transitioning each fleet group differ slightly, with Paramedics in 2030, Transit in 2032, Works in 2032, and Police in 2042.

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Summary and contacts

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Main contact person Melanie Kawalec
    Melanie Kawalec
    Climate Change Coordinator
    Durham Region
Information updated 12.12.2023

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