Achieving Durham’s emission reduction target requires a multi-faceted approach and involves implementing measures such as retrofitting the existing building stock to improve building envelopes, incentivizing high performance standards for new construction, switching to cleaner energy sources for heating such as heat pumps, ensuring new buildings and homes are net zero emissions, and undertaking energy retrofits of municipal buildings and facilities.
Home & Building Efficiency
Building emissions contribute towards 31% of Durham’s total community-wide emissions. This includes residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. Transitioning to high performance standards in new and existing buildings will be a critical part of Durham's low-carbon pathway.
SDG Co-benefits
Common Measure
Common Measures
Existing Buildings
The low carbon pathway suggests retrofitting residential, commercial and institutional buildings through deep energy retrofits such as energy efficiency improvements and fuel switching to support emission reductions, reduce energy demand and costs for building owners, and create local jobs.
New Buildings
Incentivizing high performance standards for new buildings and homes can help achieve emission reduction targets.
Public Education
Raising awareness and improving energy literacy can help support sustainability objectives.
Municipal Buildings & Operations
GHG emissions from Regionally and municipally-owned buildings and facilities can be reduced through energy retrofits and fuel switching to low carbon sources of energy to heat, cool, and power buildings as well as fleet vehicles.