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On time
  • Not started
  • Feasibility
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Lead paragraph

This project involves developing a program to encourage the adoption of higher levels of energy performance in new building construction, as outlined within the new tiered 2020 model building codes which will come into effect in Ontario in 2025, and building on the green development standards already established by several local area municipalities in Durham (Whitby, Pickering, and Ajax to date).


The program will be designed to incentivize the development industry to build to higher tiers of energy performance, beyond the minimum required under the provincial Building Code. As part of the project, a coordinated approach will be identified that leverages the existing powers of the Region and Local Area Municipalities, and which can be implemented in 2025 to coincide with provincial adoption of the new national energy codes.

Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Main contact person Nayel Halim
    Nayel Halim
    Policy Advisor - Sustainability
    Durham Region
  • Ian McVey
    Ian McVey
    Manager of Sustainability
    Durham Region
Information updated 04/07/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome